Vinayak Garg :


Nov 2010 | This blog post is adapted from the very first publication of V.I.S.V.A.S., which highlighted the deficiencies in current library and reading room system of IIT Delhi.

While thisĀ is written for a specific library in India, I believe it is something applicable to any library.

11112007013Ideal Walkthrough in IIT Delhi Library

Person climbs up the stairs and swipes his library access card to open the entrance gate. The scanners at the doors enable him to carry all his belongings right through, into the library.

He goes to the circulation counter. Circulation counter is a set of 10, self service, book deposit and issue desks. He places the books he wishes to return beneath the bar code reader, and voilla his books are returned.

He now goes onto search the books he wishes to issue. He types in the name of the book and using the computer based search programme, he can search the book he wants. The RFID tags on the books allows him to precisely locate the position of the book inside library. It points to him that the book is not on the shelf, but it is kept at table no.7 of second floor. That surely does save lots of search time.

To issue this book, he again approaches circulation counter, flashes his library card and then places the books under the scanner to get them issued. Just as he exits the library, there is a beep in the door sensors. Maybe he forgot to issue one of the books he was carrying. The guard requests him to get it issued, and then he leaves.

The library would be open 24hrs, and also be equipped with self service photocopy machines, that are accessible 24 hours.

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